Cricket Fielding Positions Strategy

Cricket Fielding Positions Strategy

Setting fielding positions is an important part of the strategy in cricket matches. Properly setting cricket fielding positions strategy allows players to save runs by collecting outfield balls with high accuracy.

Different sides of the pitch usually determine different fielding positions. Cricket fielding strategy became part of professional cricket when matches with limited overs gained popularity. Saving runs became crucial, so most teams adopted this strategy to limit runs scored by opposing players.

In this article, we’ll see more information about cricket fielding positions strategy. Vital details about these strategies let you see why players assume such positions

Top Cricket Fielding Positions Strategy

The basic concept of cricket fielding positions strategy is to put outfield players where balls will probably go. Some top strategies include:


The cut-off strategy works where batsmen play with an open face. Fielders can cut off the batsman’s range with two gulleys and a square third player. The strategy is usually effective when your team’s bowlers pitch outswing.

Attacking three spare

The strategy aims to claim wickets and places two slips and one gulley close to a batsman’s likely shot position. It also involves placing a third man and fine leg to close catching along with an extra short leg or slip.

Squeeze on

The squeeze-on technique aims to block off batsmen entirely with tight fielding. Most batsmen will have little to no range with fours in this technique; however, it might be difficult to maintain against hitters with multiple skills.

Funky fields

Different variations of the funky fields strategy exist. One of the most common is when a team places an off-spinner at two short legs and a silly or wide slip. The position usually makes batters think spinners will turn, but it’s usually a bluff to get more catches from their hits.

Batsman crowding

The strategy largely works with a weak fielder at silly points close to off-spinners. Crowding attempts to put the batsman off and force mistakes, making runs difficult for opponents to score.

Weak fielders are perfect for this role since nothing usually comes their way and they get to distract batsmen more often.

Why Do Cricket Players Engage Strategy?

Cricket players usually engage in strategy in fielding positions for different reasons. Some of these reasons depend on:

Bowling style:

Professional bowlers might possess one or more bowling skills and may require different fielding strategies to save runs. Teams usually change their fielding strategy to suit spinners, medium-pace, or fast-bowling players.

Batsmen style:

Opposing batsmen usually favor hitting balls in a preferred direction. Fielding strategies work to save runs from such batsmen based on their limitations, orientation, swing, and more.

Match situation:

Fielding strategy changes take place when a team is defending or attacking. Teams take up defensive positions to save more runs and attacking positions to score wickets.

Bowling accuracy:

Fielding strategies largely depend on how accurate a team’s bowlers can be. Most accurate bowlers can influence how batsmen react to their balls and could determine the direction and speed of pitches.

Teams can place fielders at approved positions to receive and return such balls with ease.

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